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Providing Everything You Need

How does it work?

We come  to your facility and teach a guided yoga and experimental dance class for no charge to provide an outlet for growth and fun for populations that oftentimes get overlooked. In our experience, traditional yoga studios can be intimidating and unwelcoming for individuals who may not be advanced in their practice and don’t fit the mold of the “mainstream yogi”. Our objective is to make yoga, meditation, and movement accessible to all and create a safe space in a familiar place that breaks the molds of mainstream yoga.

What is the goal of class?

These classes are a hybrid of yoga and dance. Classes start with calm meditation, build up through movement, creativity, and excitement, and end in reflection. Traditional yoga terminology will be sprinkled throughout class, but the goal is to have fun and be creative through movement - not to get stuck in the mold of how a mainstream yoga class is perceived to run!

What does a class look like?

Each class follows a theme that is predetermined by the instructor and your organization. Examples of themes include Self Awareness, Breath, Acceptance, Effort/Ease, and living in the Now.

All classes start with intention setting, move into exploring poses, encourage individual creativity, and end with Savasana meditation and reflection. 

Have a goal or community theme of your own that your organization would benefit from? Let us know and we'll try to accommodate it into the theme.  

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